
Crossing the barren Utah expanse, nearing Moab. The adventure's kicking in, senses awakened.
Clear blue skies, the sun sets, highway descends into crimson canyons. Noise fades as I charge. From the best perch on Earth, I embrace the untamed beauty. I'm in it! My senses ablaze. Right where I belong, fully present in splendid serenity.
The sun bids adieu, and I grin at the thought of soaring tomorrow. Durango's on the horizon! Excitement, adventure, discomfort—they go hand in hand, and I sprint towards them. I crave the feelings they evoke, yearn to conjure the irresistible.
It's the airborne adventure that beckons me to Durango. Few places boast such extreme mountain pinnacles. It's a sky-high playground. To fly, it's here I choose, where the wildest, most intense flights await. This is my desire; my restless spirit craves the topsy-turvy. I'm set to get uncomfortable. Drawn to what terrifies me. I respect it. Confronting intense discomfort, it's life's elixir, stoking my creativity, igniting my passion for living.
Embracing vulnerability, acknowledging my insignificance—humble and empowering. It reminds me, I'm not really in control, just along for the ride. And what a ride it can be when I dive in, surrender to it, and participate fully.
Let's soar! Let's embrace discomfort. We lift off. Within moments, we're over an alpine lake, nose down, charging toward the mountains. The chopper ascends like a sprint up steep stairs, then drops its nose, and we surge ahead. Exhilarating heights, breakneck speed, and breathtaking beauty—we're flying through mountain peaks, relinquishing all control.
My illusion of control, tossed aside; unquestionably, I'm not in command. Gazing left, right, down, up, forward—everywhere, trying to take it all in. I'm smitten. It's oddly familiar, like I'm on my bike. We're dancing with the sky; calm and chaos in harmony, speed our ally. Reading the horizon, surrendering to intuition, becoming one. We're dancing, and nature leads. It's sheer magnificence.
The colors... that blue, it seems to intensify as we ascend, contrasting the snow-capped peaks that gleam even brighter! The soft sky meeting rugged rocks, almost muffling the chopper's roar. We land on a small peak at twelve thousand feet, savoring the surrounding grandeur.

Josh SirlinComment
A Deep Blue Journey

Life's Connection to the Ocean's Blue

I'm back at the ocean, I love it. Riding my bike along the coastline, The ocean has this magnetic pull on me. I can simply stare at it and get lost. Time stops. The world around me melts away.

Today, I'm heading south, in my favorite place. Speed of my bike, taste of the ocean, and the color blue — oh, the blue. Everywhere I look, it's blue. The color blue is woven into my life in so many ways. The ocean I love, the clear blue sky I yearn for, the denim I design. Blue does something to me that no other color can.

Today, the blue is deeper, brighter, more intense. It's in everything I see, stretching in every direction.

This place, the highway, the coastline, my sanctuary. I always come back to it, the ocean magnified by the mountains. The blues of the ocean and sky dancing with each other, and I'm caught in the middle of it all.

Calm, provoked, peacefulness shaking hands with intensity, I love it, I'm really in it, immersed in the moment. I can taste the salt in the air, feel the power of the ocean all around me. I'm surrounded by mother nature's kaleidoscope of blues.

I pull to the side of the Pacific Coast Highway. It's like I've found heaven right here. As I sit on my bike, staring at the magnificence of the ocean. I glance down at my watch, blue is everywhere, I smile, everything in my life is interconnected. What I love, what I design, what I dream of — it's all linked by the profoundness of the color blue. As I sit by the ocean on my bike, embraced by the endless blue.

Josh SirlinComment
My Dearest Japan

Once more on your hallowed ground, amidst the gentle embrace of your ancient traditions and the warm camaraderie of dear friends. With each return to your shores.
The beauty of this sacred land, the one so close to my heart. where the spirit of the samurai still lingers in the air.
Your history and traditions are like layers of an exquisite tapestry, and I am privileged to uncover a new thread with each visit.
I will miss you dearly, but I know that this farewell is temporary. We share a deep connection that transcends time and distance, A node to you and your unwavering passion
With love and gratitude, thank you, Japan, for the friends, the design, and the beloved experiences you have brought into my life. Until next time.
Yours forever,

Josh SirlinComment
Dear Madness, My Endless Love

As I hurtle through the ever-changing landscape of existence, I find solace in the madness that swirls within my head. It's the very madness that propels me on this relentless quest for life itself, my never-ending pilgrimage to seek the elusive sanctuary of peace.

For me, peace isn't a tranquil garden or a serene lake; it's found in the chaos of the adventure, in the unpredictable twists and turns of the journey. It's the manic dance of the throttle, the reckless pursuit of the unknown, and the wild pulse of life coursing through my veins.

The world around me may be a kaleidoscope of madness, but in its midst, I discover a peculiar serenity—a calmness that arises from embracing the unruly, the uncharted, and the unhinged. It's in the wild places, the untamed moments, that I truly come alive.

So, my dear, while others seek solace in the mundane and the predictable, I find my peace on the edge of sanity, riding through the tempest of existence. It's a quest without end, an adventure without boundaries, and it's where I belong.

Forever seeking,

Black Bear Brand

Josh SirlinComment
An Ode to Freedom and Mother Nature's Madness

* Mother Nature, you wild, unpredictable deity, you fuel my life. I worship your chaotic grace.

* Life's forsaken highway, a waltz with chaos "Live free!" echoes like my gospel, a defiant salute to conformity. 

* The world's a loud and crazy circus. Freedom, my heartbeat, the only rule I follow. 

* A middle finger to conformity, spitting in the face of the mundane. I'm alive, thanks to freedom's wild embrace.

Josh SirlinComment

Seattle, my home, and the port, its pulsing heart—a place where I come alive. It's a realm of arrivals and departures, where dreams set sail, and I draw my inspiration. The emblem on my t-shirt, a sparrow with wings outstretched, serves as both my compass and symbol of the inevitable journey homeward. This, combined with my faded jeans, riddled with holes and frays, each telling its own tale of adventures embarked upon.

My Panhead engine growls, its thunderous sound echoing through the cavernous port. The call of the unknown beckons, much like the ocean calls a pirate. It's time to depart; there's promise in the air, an adventure awaits on the distant horizon.

The port is my sanctuary, a tranquil haven amidst the chaos. It's the gateway to the world, but for me, it's also the threshold to my own enigmatic spirit. It's time to embark, to chase the freedom of the open road. Here we go.

music: The Last Knife Fighter

Josh SirlinComment

In the midst of chaos, where the world was nothing but a cacophony of noise and confusion, that sparrow perched itself like a prophet of old, chirping away as if it held the secrets of the universe in its tiny beak.

And when the dawn broke, you could see it clear as day—the path these wayward souls had been searching for all night. That sparrow had led 'em home, a symbol of simpler times when folks trusted their instincts and nature's rhythms.

Josh SirlinComment
Resurrecting Seattle's Psychedelic Threads

The Flannel Odyssey of Black Bear Brand

The historic ties to 1909, when Black Bear Brand flannel was born, like a forgotten ghost, lost in the mists of time. Few knew the true story, the deep connection Black Bear Brand had with Seattle's rebellious history. But then, there was Josh, a modern-day shaman of the Pacific Northwest, a man who had resurrected that Black Bear Brand ghost from the depths of obscurity.

Josh wasn't just the owner of Black Bear Brand; he was its living soul. His life had been a rollercoaster of love, insanity, and defiance to what was expected of him. He'd ridden the edge of existence, flirting with life and dancing with the unknown. His past was etched into the very fabric of the flannels he designed, and he wore his history like a psychedelic coat of many colors.

In a world of monotonous grays and muted blues, Josh's Black Bear Brand flannels were a burst of wild, unapologetic color. Greens, oranges, and every hue in between exploded across the fabric like a psychedelic trip through the wilds of his mind. Each shirt was a canvas, a manifestation of his experiences, his love for freedom, and his defiance against the mundane.

When you put on one of Black Bear Brand's flannels, you weren't just wearing a piece of clothing; you were wearing a piece of the brand's soul. It was as if you were stepping into the kaleidoscope of the life of the designer, feeling the rush of his motorcycle cutting through the rain-soaked streets of Seattle, hearing the electric hum of guitars in smoky clubs, and tasting the bittersweet freedom of the open road.

In Black Bear Brand's flannels, there was a rebellion against conformity, a celebration of individuality, and an invitation to live life on your own terms. They were a reminder that the spirit of Seattle, with all its insanity, pent-up defiance to the man, was still very much alive.

And so, as you slipped on one of Black Bear Brand's creations, you became part of the story, part of the rebellion, and part of the living legend that was Black Bear Brand. The historic ties had been resurrected, and they were now pulsing with defiance, psychedelic mind spin, a testament to the enduring spirit of Seattle and the indomitable passion of Josh, the man who dared to inject his wild, colorful soul into every stitch and seam.

Josh SirlinComment
The Psychedelic Saga of the Black Bear Brand Jacket: the American DREAM

A Cosmic Leather Masterpiece in the Abyss of Rebellion and Individuality

In the seedy underbelly of the abyss, where the relentless hands of time toy with reality like a malevolent jester, there resides a leather jacket. But not just any damned jacket, mind you. This is the stuff of damned legend. A magnum opus by the Black Bear Brand, forged from the cosmic hide of Horween's finest. It isn't just a scrap of cloth; it's a raucous clash between the sacred arts of craftsmanship and lunacy, a banshee's nocturnal shriek, a sacrilege to the order that humanity falsely clings to.

This Black Bear Brand leather jacket isn't a mere garment; it's a slice of the American Nightmare. It is a symbol, a flag hoisted by those untamed souls who dare to dance on the precipice of sanity. In a world hell-bent on corralling and purifying, this jacket is a defiant salute to the wild ones, those who willingly dive into the abyss, embracing the raw and the refined, proudly wearing their patina like a battle scar.

The legend of the Black Bear Brand Horween Horsehide jacket rages on, like a flask of acid passed hand to hand among rebels of every stripe. It stands as an icon of rebellion and individuality in a universe that relentlessly beats the drum of conformity. This jacket, my friends, is a ballistic ride through the hallucinogenic desert of style, a realm where the sole law is to be your batshit crazy, unapologetically unhinged self.
- Josh

Josh SirlinComment
Designer's Pursuit

Man, Dog, and the Land Rover Adventure

Amidst the rugged expanse of Washington's mountain passes, a man and his dog embark on an adventure in his beloved Land Rover Defender, a vehicle as indomitable as his spirit. Clad in a Black Bear Brand 30 oz. Terry sweatsuit, a designer's masterpiece yet to be unveiled, they are a symphony of style and audacity. With the roar of the engine they redefine the very essence of freedom, tearing through the wilderness as a living testament to the art of both design and the untamed road ahead.

Josh SirlinComment
Riding the Inferno: Josh Sirlin's Thunderous Odyssey Across Utah's Unforgiving Expanse

Craftsmanship, Chaos, and the Enigmatic Black Bear Brand Vest that Dared to Tame the Wild

It was a blistering hot morning in the desolate heart of Utah, the kind of heat that made the devil himself sweat. Out there on the open road, a lone figure roared through the shimmering haze on a 1948 Panhead, a mechanical beast from a bygone era, its throaty growl echoing off the barren rocks and twisted Joshua trees. That figure, my friends, was none other than the enigmatic Josh Sirlin, the mind behind the audacious Black Bear Brand, a name synonymous with defiance and style.

Decked out in his signature attire, a blend of outlaw and artisan, Josh sported a pair of weathered jeans and a tattered t-shirt, but the pièce de résistance was his new creation—the Black Bear Brand hand-quilted USA wax canvas vest. This vest wasn't just a piece of clothing; it was a testament to the fusion of craftsmanship and art, an ode to the wild spirit that coursed through Josh's veins.

The vest itself was a marvel to behold. Layers of waxed canvas bore the scars of previous adventures, each mark a tale of its own. The meticulous hand-quilting showcased the dedication and attention to detail that only a true craftsman possessed. As Josh zipped it up, the faint scent of adventure mingled with the earthy aroma of the wax—a scent that could awaken the wanderlust in even the most dormant of souls.

The sun beat down mercilessly as Josh guided his Panhead through the rugged terrain, his eyes hidden behind a pair of Black Bear Brand x SALT sunglasses that reflected the arid landscape like a funhouse mirror. The wind tugged at his vest, whispering secrets of the road, promising uncharted territories and daring escapades.

As the miles stretched on, the landscape shifted from parched desert to towering mesas, a symphony of rust and ochre against the blinding blue sky. And there was Josh, a lone figure on his roaring machine, a modern-day cowboy seeking solace in the embrace of the wilderness.

The Panhead's engine roared in harmony with the wind, a primal duet that resonated deep within Josh's soul. He felt the pulse of the land beneath his wheels, the heartbeat of a world untouched by the confines of convention. With each twist and turn, he was carving his own narrative into the annals of time.

But this wasn't just a joyride; it was a testing ground. The waxed canvas vest bore witness to the elements, the rough embrace of the wind, the occasional splatter of desert rain—it was a dance with nature, a rhapsody of survival and style. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of crimson and gold, Josh knew that this adventure was etching itself into his very being, just as he was etching his mark onto the world.

So there you have it, a tale of Josh Sirlin, the maverick designer of Black Bear Brand, riding the winds of Utah on his Panhead, clad in a hand-quilted USA wax canvas vest that was more than just clothing—it was a tangible manifestation of his indomitable spirit, his passion for craftsmanship, and his unyielding hunger for the untamed road. In a world where conformity reigns, Josh stood as a beacon of defiance, a living testament to the interplay of art and adventure in the great American landscape.

Josh SirlinComment
My dear Freedom

My dear Freedom, you are the fire in my veins, the constellations that guide me in the darkest of nights. With every sunrise, I am reminded that your gift is not merely in the external, but within me - an unquenchable flame that ignites with every adventure, every risk taken in your name.

And so, I remain forever your faithful wanderer, your ardent admirer, and your devoted explorer. I will ride the currents of fate with the courage of a lone cowboy, etching my story into the annals of time, a testament to the love affair between a soul and its yearning for boundless horizons.

Yours, in eternal pursuit

- Josh

Josh SirlinComment
A Mind-Bending Journey through the Abyss of Chaos and Freedom

tales of Black Bear Brand…

In the wild and harsh West, where the sun blazed hot and the wind cut like a knife, there rode a man they called Black Bear Brand. He had journeyed far and wide, traversing the globe, from the shadowy alleys of Japan to the untamed wilderness of the West. Alongside samurais and tattoo masters, he explored the depths of Japanese artistry, and it was there that he found solace in the art of making denim.

Japanese indigo and denim craftsmanship possessed a magic that transcended time and culture. It was a wild depth that resonated with Black Bear Brand, calming the storm within his soul and bringing him a deeper understanding of devotion to his craft.

The West was a siren calling his name, and on his trusty Harley, he rode through the open roads and the untamed chaos that spoke to his spirit. It was here, amidst the rugged beauty of the frontier, that his insanity found peace. Love wasn't confined to the familiar; it thrived in the unknown, in the thrill of adventure that flowed through his veins like a potent drug.

Amidst wild cowboys and Native Indians, he found camaraderie in shared experiences and the pursuit of freedom. Together, they drank and embraced the elusigenic rituals, transcending reality to glimpse a higher understanding from living, from experiencing.

Black Bear Brand had become a vessel of experiences, a canvas of emotions, and each encounter, each hardship, fueled his creative fire. Designing was his sanctuary, the outlet that kept his mind from spiraling into madness.

Love, adventure, chaos, and trouble all danced together, weaving the tapestry of his life. Freedom was his religion, his guiding force. With his chopper as his faithful partner, he rambled on, chasing dreams and seeking a deeper meaning from life's enigmatic riddles.

This wasn't the end of his journey; it was only the beginning. As the road stretched endlessly before him, Black Bear Brand embraced the uncertainty with a grin and a rebellious spirit. The West was his playground, and his quest for higher understanding was an adventure that knew no bounds.

For in the heart of the wild, where the denim whispered untold stories, he found calmness amidst the chaos. His chopper roared with the thunder of his passion, carrying him into the horizon where new experiences awaited.

This was denim, this was the West, and this was the saga of Black Bear Brand - a man who lived, breathed, and cherished the essence of freedom. And so, with the sun setting on the horizon, he rumbled on, for adventure had just begun.

Unleashing Chaos, Ink, and Creativity in the Land of the Rising Sun

tales of Black Bear Brand

It was a moonlit night in the heart of Tokyo, where the neon lights danced in a chaotic symphony of colors, and the energy of the city pulsed like an electrified heartbeat. Amidst the bustling streets, there stood a figure clad in an eccentric ensemble of leather and denim – the one they called Black Bear Brand. His unkempt beard blew freely in the wind, as if nature itself had lent its touch to his wild spirit.

Black Bear Brand had traversed continents and experienced the craziest escapades in pursuit of a higher understanding of life and fueling his creativity. From the wild west where he had tasted the adrenaline of outlaw adventures, seeking to unlock the secrets of existence itself.

And now, in the heartland of Japan, where ancient traditions and modern marvels collided, he found himself captivated by the devotion to craftsmanship. From the delicate artistry of the tea ceremony to the relentless precision of samurai sword-making, the Japanese commitment to perfection was intoxicating to his adventurous soul.

In the shadowy corners of Tokyo, he encountered whispers of the samurai's code – Bushidō. The way of the warrior became his way, not in the literal sense of combat, but in the philosophy that embraced honor, discipline, and the relentless pursuit of self-improvement. He felt a strange kinship with these ancient swordsmen; their mythos spoke to the wildness within him, and he saw himself as a modern-day ronin – a nomadic soul, seeking to master the art of his own life.

Black Bear Brand's explorations took him to places where few dared to venture. He rode vintage motorcycles through twisting mountain passes, leaving behind a trail of dust and awe-struck onlookers. Each new experience, every wild escapade, became fodder for his designs. In his lair, littered with sketches and fabric swatches, he unleashed his creative torrent onto canvas and leather, transforming his adventures into art.

The mystical allure of Japan seeped into his work, and he imbued his designs with a touch of the samurai spirit – the strength, the honor, and the unyielding dedication to the craft. His clothing became a testament to the untamed heart that lay beneath his wild exterior.

In the hidden tattoo parlors, he adorned his body with intricate designs, each inked line a reminder of a moment lived, an experience cherished. His skin told the story of his journey, and he wore it with pride, like a map of memories etched onto his very being.

As he wandered the streets of Tokyo, he was often mistaken for a modern-day vagabond, a wild man lost in a sea of tradition. But beneath the eccentric exterior, he held the wisdom of a sage, having tasted the sweet nectar of adventure and the bitter elixir of life's trials.

The love for Japan became a love for its people, its culture, and its ways. In the warmth of the rising sun, he found solace in the embrace of a nation that had nurtured his soul and unlocked the creative depths within him.

Josh SirlinComment
a beautiful life of self-destruction

tales of Black Bear Brand

Through the twists and turns, he encountered wild experiences that tested the limits of his sanity. In the desolate plains of Death Valley, he danced with hallucinations under a blistering sun, finding solace in the madness that lurked within. He rode through thunderstorms that lashed at him like vengeful spirits, and he laughed in defiance, relishing the wild storms that mirrored the tempest in his own soul.

But it was amidst the barren beauty of Monument Valley where his fate took an unexpected turn. There, under the shadow of ancient rock formations, he met a tribe of Navajo elders who shared their wisdom and spiritual guidance. Their words struck a chord deep within his restless heart, igniting a newfound sense of purpose and understanding.

Black Bear Brand realized that his wild curiosity and dreams were not simply a path to self-destruction, but a quest for self-discovery and growth. He learned that conquests were not just about dominating the external world, but about mastering the wild spirits that resided within him.

In the end, the wild adventures in the West and on his motorcycle made his life worth living. He had embraced fear and loathing with open arms, confronting both the darkness and the light. Through the ups and downs, the love and loss, he had tasted the nectar of life in all its bitter sweetness.

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple, Black Bear Brand rode into the abyss, his heart filled with the echoes of roaring engines and beating drums. He knew not where the road would lead him, but he was alive in the pursuit of freedom and truth.

In the legend of Black Bear Brand, his spirit would forever roam the open road, an eternal reminder that a life worth living was one unapologetically lived on the edge of chaos and wonder. For in the West, under the vast expanse of the night sky, he had found his place - forever chasing the elusive dream of freedom.

- Black Bear Brand (spirit)