The West is romantic, it is the essence of freedom.

The West is romantic, it is the essence of freedom. I love it. It is wild with adventure and no regrets; it's rough, and has a natural disposition. Wild history, freedom, adventure and untethered harshness. Freedom... That's what it's all about

music: The Last Knife Fighter

Josh SirlinComment
a peek into... Black Bear Brand

Every experience becomes a part of me. It fuels my creativity, it's in what I design...

My influences come from real life. I'm not interested in stories for story's sake. I'm interested in life—and what wild shit is out there.

- Josh Sirlin

Josh SirlinComment
IWC - Journal... Black Bear Brand goes IVORY on Yellowstone


Josh Sirlin has taken the IWC JOURNAL on wild rides across the globe. On his 1948 Harley-Davidson Panhead, together we roared through Malibuand the Grand Canyon and hit the waves in Santa Cruz; we got thrillingly uncomfortable in an MD500c helicopter in Colorado and clenched our teeth during a traditional Japanese tattoo session in Tokyo. Next, Josh will be taking us to Yellowstone – not the National Park, but the hugely popular US TV series about a Montana Ranch.


Starring Kevin Costner and premiering in 2018, the show has become a must-see surprise-hit TV show – both in the United States and beyond. In November 2022, Yellowstone broke records with more than 12 million viewers tuning in to watch the premiere of season 5. In the series, Kevin Costner, who plays ranch owner John Dutton, wears one of Josh Sirlin’s designed ivory colored leather jackets.


The IWC JOURNAL spoke with the Creative Director of the Black Bear Brand about how the collab came about…. dive into the full story!

Josh SirlinComment

I love it. It's wild with adventure and no regrets; it's rough, and has a natural disposition. Full of wild adventures and untethered harshness.

Josh Sirlin crosses the cascade mountains on his 1948 Panhead Harley-Davidson.

My senses are on fire, I feel alive, present, and at a perfect peacefulness amongst the intense chaos.

captured by : Caleb Keller / music : The Last Knife Fighter

Josh SirlinComment

The Pacific Northwest... its beautiful and harsh; wild coastline, wild green interior, rainy weather, and spectacular mountains!

I exist in a paradox where opposites collide, the excitement and wonder between known and unknown. this is where you can get lost and your imagination takes hold... this is where my creative inspiration is on fire. I have to design and create as a result or I would explode!

Built For A Life Well Lived ~ A Way Of Life

The Ultimate Chore Coat. Colliding all the things we love into the ultimate winter coat: 100% virgin wool produced special for us by Harris Tweed… Josh has been dreaming up this jacket for years and today its finally here!

Our Harris Tweed is handwoven by islanders at their homes in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, finished in the Outer Hebrides, and made from pure virgin wool dyed and spun in the Outer Hebrides.

captured by: Caleb Keller / music: The Last Knife Fighter

Josh SirlinComment