Dear Madness, My Endless Love

*Winter draped the open road in a stark beauty, a desolate canvas begging for the brushstroke of a mad artist.  
*Chasing the unknown into the heart of it... beauty in the empty landscape, the engine growl echoing through the vast expanse.
*Sanctuary in the adventure, calmness in the harsh chaos. America, as it once was. Wild West, the road unfolding in front like pages of a tattered love letter.

*Simplicity in existence, a testament to a life lived on the edge of the unknown.

*A quest without end, an adventure without boundaries, and it's where I belong.
Forever seeking,
- Josh

As I hurtle through the ever-changing landscape of existence, I find solace in the madness that swirls within my head. It's the very madness that propels me on this relentless quest for life itself, my never-ending pilgrimage to seek the elusive sanctuary of peace.
For me, peace isn't a tranquil garden or a serene lake; it's found in the chaos of the adventure, in the unpredictable twists and turns of the journey. It's the manic dance of the throttle, the reckless pursuit of the unknown, and the wild pulse of life coursing through my veins.
The world around me may be a kaleidoscope of madness, but in its midst, I discover a peculiar serenity—a calmness that arises from embracing the unruly, the uncharted, and the unhinged. It's in the wild places, the untamed moments, that I truly come alive.
So, my dear, while others seek solace in the mundane and the predictable, I find my peace on the edge of sanity, riding through the tempest of existence. It's a quest without end, an adventure without boundaries, and it's where I belong.
Forever seeking,
Black Bear Brand

Josh SirlinComment