"Curating Excellence"

Introducing the consulting service by Black Manufacturing, led by the visionary strategist Josh Sirlin. Creative and engagement, Josh specializes in crafting creative, tactical strategies that resonate deeply with audiences. His expertise lies in leveraging design to forge authentic connections and curate immersive cultural experiences.

Services offered include:

  1. Brand Strategy & Creative Direction: compelling narratives and guiding the creative direction to establish a strong brand identity that captivates and resonates with the target audience.

  2. Design Direction Across Various Platforms: Offering expert guidance on design direction across multiple channels including traditional media and social media platforms, ensuring a cohesive and impactful brand presence.

  3. World-Class Manufacturing and Fabrics: Leveraging Black Manufacturing's partnerships with premier Japanese factories and suppliers to deliver unparalleled quality and craftsmanship, utilizing world-class fabrics and trim sourced from Japan.

Partner with Black Manufacturing and Josh Sirlin to elevate your brand's presence, engage your audience, and cultivate meaningful connections that endure.

Introducing the consulting service by Black Manufacturing, led by the visionary strategist Josh Sirlin. Creative and engagement, Josh specializes in crafting creative, tactical strategies that resonate deeply with audiences. His expertise lies in lev
Introducing the consulting service by Black Manufacturing, led by the visionary strategist Josh Sirlin. Creative and engagement, Josh specializes in crafting creative, tactical strategies that resonate deeply with audiences. His expertise lies in lev